Cash for Clunkers program sold 457,000.
You know what I find amazing. This program cost $3 billion. GM plans to rehire 1300 of its workers back. So what does that equal; $2.3 million for each job saved. How about that for $3 billion well spent. So, for the government to save 10 million jobs we need to spend $23,000,000,000,000. Yes that is 23 trillion!!! Brilliant.
Also I find it amazing that we have taken people with no car payments and now have provided them with a $25,000 debt plus higher insurance costs. Isn't that wonderful.
To go with my previous post: "If you cannot enslave an individual by virtue of his own debts then enslave the entire population by casting their government into debt." This fills both sides of that quote.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
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